Sponsored by Autograf & Dawn Renée Mallory

Sponsored by Autograf & Dawn Renée Mallory
Please check out my fine products and perhaps try some!!!

Here's your QuoteAction of the day

Dear Friend,

Here's your "QuoteAction" of the day:

"We visit others as a matter of obligation. How long has it been since we have visited with ourselves?"
Rabbi Morris Adler

Your action for today is to have a conversation with yourself about something of importance to you.

Have an extraordinary day!

Dawn from Autograf
Haircare as personal as your autograph...
& the difference means healthy hair.
888-932-7252 if by Land...
206-304-4944 if by "C"

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Dawn Mallory
4701 SW Admiral Way #102
Seattle, WA 98116


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Dawn Renée Mallory

http://www.autograf.com/ ~ 206-938/-8384 ~ dawn@autograf.com
4701 SW Admiral Way #102 ~ Seattle, WA 98116-2340