Sponsored by Autograf & Dawn Renée Mallory

Sponsored by Autograf & Dawn Renée Mallory
Please check out my fine products and perhaps try some!!!

Here's your QuoteAction of the day

Dear Friend,

Here's your "QuoteAction" of the day:

"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing."
Author, Michael Gerber

Your action for today is to reflect on whether you are living fully or merely existing and either celebrate or make a commitment to change.

Have an extraordinary day!

Dawn from Autograf
Haircare as personal as your autograph...
& the difference means healthy hair.
888-932-7252 if by Land...
206-304-4944 if by "C"

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Dawn Mallory
4701 SW Admiral Way #102
Seattle, WA 98116


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Dawn Renée Mallory

http://www.autograf.com/ ~ 206-938/-8384 ~ dawn@autograf.com
4701 SW Admiral Way #102 ~ Seattle, WA 98116-2340